- To boldly go where men been before!!

Richard C. Hoagland
"Psuedo-scientist", "Green cheese and baloney" are a few of the remarks the press gave the controversial Richard C. Hoagland after his lecture about the possible ruins and a 200,000 year old civilisation on the Moon. As evidence for this intriguing claims Hoagland put together a puzzel of official NASA-photos that, with the help of the computer, has found hidden anomalies. He also claims that NASA and the Apollo-astronauts know about these ruins and that they're lying when they picture Hoagland as "sick". Hoagland also explains the mysterious dissapearence of the DoD-shuttle Clementine - it crashed into the remaining debris of a huge glass-dome, high over the Moon's surface.

(*Picture: Richard C. Hogland (right) is reciving the Angstrom-medal for his scientific contributions from the hand of Lars-Jonas Angstrom, August 1993.)

Richard C. Hoagland has a gift of steering up media-interest around his work. A couple of years ago, as he travelled the world lecturing about his Mars-Moon connection and his intergalactic numeral-theori that he had develeped from the patterns of the monuments of Mars, also called the Cydonia-monuments, he drew a pattern by the angles of the pyramid and other "anomalies", and from that he got a calculation that he claims also fits the location of "anomalies" on earth like - pyramids of Egypt and South-America, the mounds of England, Stonehenge a.s.o.
All these monuments are, according to Hoagland, placed in a pattern that mathematicly is in line with the monuments on Mars, at Cydonia, where the location of 19,5 latitude is of vital importance as an explanation of the source-fields throughout the universe.
The face on Mars Richard Hoagland wasn't the first man that put his attention on these anomalies on Mars. NASAádiscovered the "face" as early as July 1976 (picture 35A72) but dismissed it as a "trick of light and shadow" as they showed the pictures to a journalist at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. Researchers that was involved says that the pictures that followed didn't show anything unusual at all.
"The Face" came back in the spotlight in 1979 when Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar, who was a computer-technician under contract with NASA at Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, USA, found by analysing the photos with the computer (with a program called SPIT - Stardust Pixel Interleave technique) the pyramids that later was given the name D&M. They doublechecked this technique by doing the same with the pictures of Landsat of earth in an effort to make the established scientific-field to aknowledge these monuments. Even thou the established scientists rejected the material.

Hoagland and NASA

Richard C. Hoagland stepped into the picture as a consultant for Walter Cronkite who was under contract with NASA in the early 80's. Hoagland was one of the persons that developed and shaped the plates that is supposed to describe mankind to any possible extraterristrial lifeform when they randez-vouz with the spaceshuttle Pioneer 10 and 11 on their way to Saturn and Jupiter, and beyond.
Cydonia City/Mars During his time at NASA Hoagland was considered extremely controversial with his archeology view of astronomy, and was described more or less as a "lone wolf". Even Hoagland accepted NASA's explanation regarding the photo of "the face" at first, but had second thoughts as he found the pyramid and the area called "the city", southwest from the "face". He also calculated the monuments to be around 330,000 years old by estimate the subversive cycle of the ruins (full cycle estimated to be 500,000 years).
The result of this research can be found in anthropologist Randolfo Pozos's book "The Face on Mars: Evidence for a Lost Civilization?", where he describes the conference around new year 1983-84 between Hoagland, DiPietro, Molenaar, Brandenburg and others. At this conference they came to the conclusion that there is a high possibility that Mars once had a high standing civilization in ancient times.

Structures on the Moon

Hoaglands next mission was to analyze the Apollo-mission-photos of the Moon, and, if possible, find "monuments" or divergent formations there.
On March 21st 1996, Richard C. Hoagland gave his premiere-lecture about his dicoveries at the journalist-club press-hall in Washington, DC. Where he promised to present evidence of:

...a variety of artifical structures on the Moon.

... that the Apollo-astronauts saw these structures and were photographed with them.

... that the recent Clementine spacecraft photos of the Lunar surface have been withheld by NASA to cover things up.

To describe the conference as a success is a bit much, as Hoagland didn't manage to convince the invited media (around 60 people) about his theories. Washington Post wrote "Green Cheese & Baloney" and called Richard a "psuedo-scientist".
In the middle of this progress Hoagland gets in contact with the biggest paranormal radio-DJ in America - Art Bell.
Hoagland has since then done a 2 hour interview with Art Bell.

Art Bell interview

Hoagland introduces the issue by describing his dissapointment over the lectures poor response, or as he says himself:
- is as if it did not happened...
To this he ads the strange behaviour of the TV-network C-SPAN. First they said they weren't interested in covering the press-meeting. Then they said they would show up, but they had no plans of broadcasting the reportage. It all ended with C-SPAN had to put in a special phonenumber where angry viewers could vent their aggression from being withheld the spectacular broadcast.

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